(IMAESCII521) Forum Personal Post: Module 3 - Identifying gaps in present knowledge to justify a research problem

(In research, sometimes we thought that the gaps we initially identify are the only ones considered important. As we continuously engage with the topic, there are many other gaps that we can identify. They are deep-seated, like this bridge whose length we cannot determine until we traverse it.)

As we dig deeper into the research as a site for engagement and reflection, this exercise allowed us to review certain paper(s) and identify its research problem. It reminded me of a time when I attended my university's critical engagement class and I was able to use it in accomplishing this exercise. 

See our exercise for Module 3 below:


Activity 1: Identifying gaps in present knowledge to justify a research problem

by Andreas Kollias - 
Number of replies: 37

Activity 1: Creswell (2011) suggests that one way to justify a research problem is by identifying "deficiencies" in our present state of knowledge on the phenomenon under study. As he points out, "a deficiency in the evidence means that the past literature or practical experiences of the researchers does not adequately address the research problem."  (p. 69). Similarly, Merriam and Tisdell (2016) suggest that one of the three most important components to the problem statement "... is the identification of the gap in the knowledge base—what we don’t know that your research will address." (p. 79). Choose 2 papers from this list and write a post providing information and discussing the gaps in the present state of knowledge that the researchers have identified in order to justify the statement of their research problem (max. 200 words). Alternatively you can create a map, like this one created by Helin for another activity. Needless to say that you can also choose to do this activity collaboratively.


Re: Activity 1: Identifying gaps in present knowledge to justify a research problem

by Mc Ronald Ι Banderlipe - 

Dear Andreas and classmates,

Please find my matrix providing my analysis of two related papers on the voucher system implemented by corporate institutions, as well as the government, and what are specific research gaps identified based on their understanding of the ontological 'worldviews' that have already existed in several literatures they have cited. These formed the basis of 'need' to pursue and frame their studies before their empirical studies were conducted and evidences were analysed and discussed:


Fleuren, B. P. I., de Grip, A., Kant, Ij., & Zijlstra, F. R. H. (2020). Time equals money?: A randomized controlled field experiment on the effects of four types of training vouchers on training participation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118, 103403. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2020.103403

Schwerdt, G., Messer, D., Woessmann, L., & Wolter, S. C. (2012). The impact of an adult                education voucher program: Evidence from a randomized field experiment. Journal of                Public Economics, 96(7), 569–583. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpubeco.                2012.03.001

(NOTE: Please find my matrix by clicking HERE.)
