(IMAESCII516) Article Review 7: 'Othering in online learning: an examination of social presence, identity, and sense of community' (2017)

Article Reviewed:

Krystle Phirangee & Alesia Malec (2017) Othering in online learning: an examination of social presence, identity, and sense of community, Distance Education, 38:2,160-172, DOI:10.1080/01587919.2017.1322457

The paper introduced the concept of ‘othering’ as alienating of one's self based on different cultural, personal, and sometimes dominating discourses of the self with others. It is also the alienation of the other whose views are not popularly accepted or appealing to the majority. To understand the concept better, a rather stark differentiation between the Oriental and Western perspectives needs to be observed and acknowledged to define how one is 'othered' in a specific cultural or geographical context. 

There is a greater degree of sensitivity one needs to exert in understanding this concept. The othering process can also be a discourse of power relations and authority. It has the power to manipulate a learners’ notion and understanding; and in situating the ‘self’ when presented with the larger discourses and narratives of the society.

In online learning, 'othering' can pose as a deterrent for the learner to participate and engage fully in the learning process. A number of factors could affect a learner as s/he needs to deal with many different biases that maybe favourable or not favourable for him/her. To illustrate this dilemma, this paper used a case study method, collecting semi-structured interview of the respondents, who are international students in Canada.

This article is a convenient read given that the 3 aspects of othering were defined and contextualised very well. However, I think there still needs to have a strong basis of whether these experiences are experiences in parallel with learners from other countries to elucidate a more comparative perspective. For example, can othering exists if the participant decides to pursue learning at his / her predilection or space. How is ‘othering’ defined in other social or learning contexts?

Lastly, the challenges and stories presented by the participants are reflected not just in school but also at work. Talk about managing workplace politics too!

As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I felt in the past that my participation in the learning process was limited by virtue of my gender and sexual orientation. The struggle is real. But the reinforcements to move forward enabled me to continue. However, as we grow our own voices, does this mean we can also be prone to 'other' people (or learners) as well? How do we deal with these competing voices and find a middle ground? Photo taken during Berlin Pride 2016. (Photo by McRhon)
