(IMAESCII516) Weekly Forum Reflection 7: How we can democratise access to learning through OER?

Open access journals, digital archives, open sources learning softwares...name it we probably have it!

The Open Educational Resources (OER) have disrupted the current educational market with its capability to extend the reach of data and knowledge to a wider set of learners. Such resources have assisted learners and scholars to obtain open information that are usually available through licenses, subscriptions or access-only systems implemented by universities and several corporate publishers. 

The disruption also brought forth an important debate on the role of universities and even professors and researchers since the business of knowledge creation and production will be affected. I am curious, what is your view on this?

Lastly, perhaps as adult educators we may consider focusing on some non-monetary and non-economic aspects of OER. How do we expand the breadth of OER's democratisation of access to learners? What kind of OERs we can still possibly develop and how we can ensure that these resources could be properly targeted so they can be utilised properly? 

And if you were to design a new OER what would it be? Feel free to comment below!

Watch my video clip on this link: https://eclass.ouc.ac.cy/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=91432#p248515

From print to digital. How do we democratise further the access to knowledge beyond formal and traditional teaching and learning systems? (Photo by McRhon)
