(IMAESCII521) Qualitative Research Paper Summary 1: Phenomenography of adult critical reflection

I would say that this is the most enjoyable part of this assignment. Not only I get to read research papers which used various methodologies, it allowed me to practice the art of criticality and strategic reading. In the past, the impression I got was to be a good student, one must diligently read all the contents of books and journals. This exercise allowed me to focus on the major parts of a paper - not only because it is a methods course, but because I will be dealing with a lot of these come dissertation writing time. 

By practicing the art of critical reading, it will allow me to identify the content that would be relevant for my research. 

For this assignment, I prepared eight (8) research summaries. The qualitative papers are presented first before the quantitative papers.


Qualitative Paper # 1:


Brookfield, S. (1994). Tales from the dark side: a phenomenography of adult critical reflection. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 13(3), 203–216. https://doi.org/10.1080/0260137940130303

Initial thoughts on the paper:

I particularly liked the intent of research to identify how adult learning participants experience critical reflection in their adult education programmes. 

CLICK HERE to access the research paper summary.
