(IMAESCII521) Forum Personal Post: Modules 7 and 8 - Qualitative Research Methods, Design and Conduct of Interviews (Group Work)
I am glad that I still get to work with Justyna, Kenneth and Kiko for the succeeding exercises in this course. Indeed, we had a great time learning from the experiences of each other - not mainly research-related, but on how our personal circumstances led us to different concepts and aspects of our learning. These conversation was very useful as we work together on the main tasks of these 2 modules.
I will park here the 2 outputs our team did for these modules. Kenneth was a great informant that supported our team towards this journey of creating the survey questionnaire and the interview protocol and questionnaire!
The “education needs” questionnaire
On the basis of the work done so far, try to develop an online questionnaire to measure the “education needs” concept, including also socio-demographic variables. Work either individually or in groups. Help each other. You can use Google Forms –(see Creating a Research Survey[YouTube]). You should also consult my text On measurement and measurement levels.
As setting and target population you may consider the following. It helps to have something specific in mind. Kenneth could be your informant as he has visited many times this settlement and others in Uganda. You can of course choose to think about another setting and population.
The "education needs" interview guide
Try to develop an interview guide that could be used in a qualitative research on the same target population and setting. Work either individually or in groups. Help each other. Please study the suggested materials of module 7 and 8.
As setting and target population you may consider the following. It helps to have something specific in mind. Kenneth could be your informant as he has visited many times this settlement and others in Uganda. You can of course choose to think about another setting and population.
Our team's outputs were as follows:
Re: The “education needs” questionnaire
Our team Group B (Justyna, Kenneth, Kiko and McRhon) worked on a sample online survey questionnaire for our project "Survey of Educational Needs of adult refugees in the Kyaka II Settlement".
These are the decisions that our team made for this study:
1. The survey aim is to determine and explore the factors and circumstances that motivate or discourage adult refugees based on Kyaka II Settlement to attend adult/further education.
2. The target survey participants would be adult refugees aged 18-59. This was based on the population profile provided by UNHCR on the status of Kyaka II Settlement.
3. The target survey participants is or is not currently attending any adult/further education classes in their area or neighbourhood.
4. Although this is an online survey, we are privy that digital illiteracy will be a key problem in answering this survey. As such, we will ensure that a member of the research team and an interpreter/translator will also be present as the participant is answering the survey.
As for the analysis part, we will correlate the key questions related to the academic, linguistic, psychological, social and economic aspect of the study to key demographic factors.
The link of the survey form could be found in this link: https://forms.gle/MrL1W3z7eTb9VfK68
Thank you very much.
Group B
Re: The "education needs" interview guide
Please find the attached interview questionnaire prepare by Group B (Justyna, Kenneth, Kiko and McRhon).