Reflecting on my first zoom webinar, and my own personal 'REGENESIS'
Thrilled to be sharing the zoom platform with a renowned Architect and Professor Gerard Lico (University of the Philippines College of Architecture) during our UPAAS learning session, REGENESIS this afternoon. Just to share that initially I thought of making the Q&A part more formal. But the 'future' academic in me resisted. I knew I have to say something as well, especially heritage preservation is largely equated to social and community justice. Indeed, we need to make restoration of built heritage more inclusive, community-centred and empowering of our identities. In the end, it became a conversation, a reflective dialogue at that! There are still so many things to learn in organising and managing an online webinar like this. So if there are glitches along the way (which happened many times by the way), itawa na lang natin (let's just laugh at it)! Thanks to University of the Philippines Alumni Association - Singapore, UAP Singapore Chapter and our collaborators - you know who you are! Webinars can be powerful platforms to highlight one's experiential (Kolb), reflective and transformative learning (Mezirow and Moon). Facilitating this webinar made me appreciate my own conversation with myself as someone who has studied history, urban studies and now, education. This also presents an opportunity for us to reflect and situate where our work could promote social and community change. I will probably try doing one again.