These words are telling about my personal position on education

Today we have an almost full-day session with Prof. Larissa Jogi for our Practical Aspects of Adult Education module. She asked us to participate and write down our thoughts in our online notebook what are our thoughts on adult education and our reflections from certain scholars on adult learning.

Here's what I wrote in the 2-part discussion (individual self definition and then group discussion)


Adult learning draws strength and inspiration from the experiences of one’s self, the others, and the community at large. These forces – when combined holistically, develop into a transformational driver which contribute for social change. It is a continuous process of re-learning, unlearning, and unpacking the different socio-economic-political issues that affect the way we decide and plan for ourselves, families, as well as our choices for our careers, our lives, and our future. It is also a form of communicating resistance to challenge the existing norms that have marginalized, oppressed and othered some sectors, voices, and individuals in our society. (McRhon)


We’re MAKiN’ (McRhon, Alix, Kirsten, Nhi)
Drawing from Mezirow’s Transformative Learning and Jennifer Moon’s Learning as a Reflective Activity - our motivation, identities and choices of what to learn and why we learn is based on the frames of reference we should be creating for ourselves. The reality speaks differently. We are expected to follow the norms and conventions because these are universally accepted truths that have been tried and validated over time. If our own reflections of learning are valid and transformative, it should also enable us to find our own space, draw our own baselines for success and impact, and resist by creating something new.

(Group thoughts shared by We're MAKiN - Moi, Alix, Kirsten, Nhi)

In a way, by being in this programme for almost 3 months now, my perspectives and views of learning are beginning to shape up. I will get back to this post again and see whether it has evolved into a deeper conversation about my journey, or just a reflective piece for the purpose of saying something in class (I hope not!).

P.S. I love responding in PINK text!
